The ancient practice of yoga focuses on physical, mental, and spiritual health. Research shows that yoga is not only beneficial for relieving stress, it also improves balance, promotes healthier eatin
As a child, were you taught how to mend clothes or preserve food? What about how to garden and save seeds, or identify local flora and fauna? Unfortunately, many young people grow up without the oppor

Balancing Out

Photo Credit: Hanh Nguyen When we’re ready to start (or grow) our families, we might expect to conceive right away, but that doesn’t always happen. Around 12 percent of US women 15 to 44 years struggl
Hey there, we encourage you to shop small and local this month (and, you know, always!). It makes a BIG difference in your community. Need to stock up on immunity supplements before the back-to-school
Exercise—it’s not just for adults! Regular physical activity offers a world of benefits for children, but three out of five Canadian kids and teens don’t get enough exercise. Become a fitness role mod
Children have a natural curiosity. They’re built to learn. So, even during challenging—pandemic—times, we can help them create the right conditions for, and remove obvious obstacles from, getting the
Hey there, have you tried any alternative therapies, like acupuncture, massage, or naturopathic medicine? Therapy, in many alternative forms, has existed for centuries across cultures for both emotion

Unstoppable Youth

The youth of Canada are made of resilience, passion, creativity, and generosity. Here are the stories of youths who, despite the challenges of the past year, have started exciting initiatives—and how

Green Skin Care

Companies are upping the ante when it comes to green beauty products, in both selection and quality. Now is the time to nourish your skin with toxin-free and environmentally friendly masks, restorativ
Hey there, are there any harmful habits or damaging distractions that are weighing you down? Maybe you scroll obsessively through Instagram. Or feel like you *need* a glass of wine each evening to win