What are the factors that contribute to a sustainable garden? If you’re avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, that’s a great start. But gardening sustainably goes far beyond this by
While it comes on a sliding scale—from the occasional experience to ranging severities of anxiety disorders—we all deal with anxiety in our lives. Your anxiety may stem from any number of causes, incl
The next time someone proposes a hangout and a pint in your guys’ group chat, shake things up. You can grab a beer with your best buds anywhere. Why not atop a soaring mountain peak? Or beside rushing
In the last three years of Marc-Olivier Brouillette’s nine-year professional football career, his energy levels shot up, his recovery between workouts improved and, overall, he felt amazing. What chan
Struggles with body image, pressure to have a particular body type, and weight-based stigma are often thought of as women’s issues. But research paints another picture. A 2018 study published in the j
You are a man. You may not always be “the man,” but being “a man,” historically, has come with expectations: being a provider and disciplinarian and possessing a strong body, a strong mind, and a stif
The immense pressure teen girls face to look a certain way can lead to challenges such as eating disorders, depression, or lower self-esteem. Luckily, promoting positive embodiment sets the foundation
Femtech delivers female-focused health technology that could transform women’s lives. Discover how it could support menstrual health, fertility, menopause, and more. Ladies—wish you could buy eco-frie

Detox Your Life

Feel like you can't get out of your own way? Join the club. Struggling with personal growth is part of the human condition—but so is your ability to stop holding yourself back. When you’re stuck, burn
"Could smelling your own perfume calm your nerves?Kupka/Taxi/Getty ImagesWe're all afraid of something -- spiders, flyin